Monday, May 16, 2011

Help is on the way

A little update~ Last Wed, May 11th Connor had his blood drawn to be sent off for the genetic testing. He did awesome :) It takes 6-8 weeks to process the results. So, until then we wait... They are testing Connor first since they know his heart has the abnormal thickening. Then they will use his results to further test Luke (who also is confirmed to have it) and then the rest of us. The genetic test will hopefully give us a clearer picture of the condition of Connor's heart and direction in treatment.

Connor is feeling great and though his activities are restricted in PE and sports, he is carrying on as usual. He still rides his bike to school every day, wrestles with his brother (and sister :) ) and swims like a champ! He is learning what it means to "listen to his body" and we are learning how to help him do that without him feeling like all of the "fun stuff" is off limits. We are looking into golf lessons currently, which he is really excited about (he had shown interest in the sport before we even knew about his heart)! Luke is also exhibiting no signs of illness. He is growing just as he should be and is trying his hardest to keep up with his brothers and sister! He will be walking SOON I am sure!!

We ask for your prayers for healing of course. And also, for wisdom for Randy and I for the decisions that are soon to come. We feel very blessed to have one of the leading experts in the country as our cardiologist. Please pray for Dr. McKenna as he treats and oversees the care of our children.

Psalm 121:1-2 says, "I raise my eyes toward the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth." Our hearts are truly at rest, knowing our help comes from the Lord. He has been so sweet and faithful to us over the years as we have sought His will for our lives. He is our stronghold and is never inconsistent with His Word.

"God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble" (Ps 46:1)